I actually got this news on Dec 30th but my web host decided it’d be fun to block everyone’s access to their WordPress login page. That meant no posting or anything. Anyway, it̵...Read More
Update 10/15/2014: Well, my acting credit has been pulled 1 year and 2 days after I filmed the part. So I am no longer in the movie, just listed as an “Associate Producer”. Well I guess yo...Read More
It’s been almost 2 weeks now since the filming and I just finished up my Day 3 recap. Something was made almost painfully obvious… well honestly there’s no almost about it… d...Read More
Sunday was not a filming day for me. Scott and Jack, as well as several other actors, would be shooting so we ended up at the set around 11:00, I believe. My intention was to get some behind the scene...Read More
So when I last left off, Scott, Lesli, and I headed to their place around 3am Saturday morning to get some decent rest before having to be back on set around noon. Umm… yeah… that so was n...Read More
(Preface: This may get a little rambling and not always just about the filming but about other things/thoughts that went through my head or I’m reminded of as I type this out. I hope you’l...Read More
Well, things are coming together for my movie role 😀 For anyone who’s missed it, I have a small role in an Independent movie, called Sovereign. You can view the trailer to see what it’s...Read More