Seriously… the last time I blogged was in November of last year and the bullshit caused by the selfishness of people over COVID is still happening....Read More
Just random bullet points of shit: He still can’t admit he lost. By close to 6 million votes. Somehow all of those votes are fake. And his followers keep believing the crazy. He’s messing ...Read More
That goes for the election as well as my master’s program hunt, LOL! The election is “dragging” because a) the GOP refused to allow some places to start counting early votes prior to...Read More
I mentioned possibly going for a master’s degree. The webinar I attended for Project Dragonfly master’s was really good. They had graduates of the program talking about how it all works. I...Read More
We finally moved locations. This was supposed to happen in Feb because the admin location was just getting too crowded, a little too busy. There was a smaller, though not quite as posh space in anothe...Read More
See… there’s this guy. The best stories always start with “there’s this guy”, don’t they? LOL! Said guy is an actor and musician that I stumbled across like 8 years...Read More
Every once in awhile, I’d log into my website here and a ton of failed login attempts listed by the IP Blacklist plug-in I have. And by a ton, I don’t mean just tens or even hundreds. I me...Read More
When I returned from my UK vacation in 2016, I had this brilliant idea to get a degree in wildlife conservation. I was so impressed with everything people were doing at the Jersey Zoo, and a bit burnt...Read More