2 thoughts on “This Is A Test”

  1. Well that worked better than I thought it would.

    I really like the 1-Click Retweet/Share/Like plug in. It has limitations though. You have to register the services it posts to with LinksAlpha.com. I used Twitter and FB. And with their free account you can only have 2 services and make 50 posts a month. The next step up costs $4.99/mo. It’d be nice to have just 1 plugin to handle most of the services out there but I’m not sure I want to pay that much for it. I do like the way it handles the Twitter posts though in that you can tag up to 2 people and use 2 hashtags in each post. 1-click is also responsible for the buttons below each post for sharing to the various social sites.

    Live+Press is the plugin for Livejournal. With it you can select everything you normally would when posting to LJ: who see it, mood, what you’re listening to, etc. Pretty cool and free 🙂

    I didn’t do a cross post to Tumblr. Didn’t find a plugin that I liked last night, though you can do it through LinksAlpha. I’ll keep looking though.

    1. I have three different things handling the links/crossposting. LOL So far they work for me but I might look into the Live+Press one because I’m not sure if I’m satisfied with the one I use now.

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